October 28th, 2016
Overall the last month or so has been going very well. There has been a few 'hiccups' of course, but I have managed to power through them and still be okay. The largest change for me has been acceptance. I have accepted that I likely will always have these struggles. I have also accepted that my brain works a little differently.
Acceptance doesn't mean rolling over and giving up. It means recognizing that things are the way they are right now and somethings may never change. For example, I will likely always have anxiety to some degree. I have worked very hard to try to get rid of it and will continue to do so, but it probably will never completely go away.
Simply put: It is what it is. Naturally I still get frustrated by my struggles and I want them to go away. However, by accepting what is, I have been able to stop persevering on that and move forward with my life.
Note: I wish I could say acceptance happens overnight. Like many things in life, it is much easier said than done. I know in my personal journey I had to do many things before I reached this point. No one wants to struggle, but unfortunately it is part of the human experience.