Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Journal Entry 8 - Counselling and Group Therapy Were Awesome This Week!

June 1st, 2016

Group therapy yesterday was great! We talked about activity schedules (I didn't do one because I wasn't there last week) and reviewed chapter 3. I personally spoke a lot about how avoidance is a large problem for me. It was very helpful to hear from one participant in particular who has similar struggles.

Not only do I go to the hospital for this CBT group, but I also see a nurse/counsellor/lady every two weeks for one-on-one sessions. This woman has an interest in learning how to facilitate group therapy, so ironically enough she attends every week of therapy to learn.

I was actually quite upset on the first day of therapy when I saw her there (I neglected to mention that in my post about the first session). I felt like for three people, myself included, she would write every time we said anything. I, of course, made the assumption that the other two people were her clients too and she was keeping extra close tabs on us or something. In hindsight it seems silly, but my anxious mind does that to me sometimes. I was probably over analyzing the situation and when she wrote the timing was most likely coincidental.

I just got back from my appointment with her about a half hour ago. It turns out, having her at therapy makes our individual sessions much better! We could relate back to things I said at CBT without me having to fully explain them again. It's really a win-win. My session with her also went really well. Group therapy helped me this week with a couple broad issues and my session with her helped me come up with solutions to specific problems.

So I far I feel great today. Now I am in an awesome state of mind to go away to Ottawa for five days.

I'm going to visit a friend while I am there and we will be doing a 6k mud obstacle course. Bring on the mud! ... But not too much mud. Mud is gross. 

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