Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Journal Entry 3.5 - CBT in a Nutshell

May 17th, 2016

CBT in a nutshell is about changing the way you think. Our thoughts, moods, physical reactions, and behaviours are all connected. If we make a change to one of them, they are all impacted. As I understand it, CBT works on the premise that our thoughts have the largest influence over them all. According to CBT we all have negative core beliefs (that are usually created in childhood), rules and assumptions we live by, and automatic thoughts.

The example the facilitator gave was a mother that neglected her child. This resulted in the child growing up to have the negative core belief that she was unlovable. Due to this belief, she lived by the rule of doing everything everyone wants so they will love her. If something happened in her life, like losing her job, she may find she would not be able to deal with it as well as others could. This is because she can no longer cope due to being unable to to live by her rules and assumptions. This woman may have an automatic thought like “my boyfriend doesn't love me.” You challenge these “hot thoughts” by using thought record charts to come up with factual evidence for and against them. There are multiple steps and by the end of therapy you are able to come up with more balanced thoughts and ideally alter your core beliefs.  

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